A Step by Step Guide on Building a Startup Team in the Philippines
There’s a systematic way of starting your business in the Philippines. These are called Phases and each phase has some steps to it. The Building of a Startup Team is shown in different Phases. You’ll learn more about them as you continue to read. The different Phases to start your own business are as follows:
Phase 1: Planning for your Business Opening
The very first phase of starting your own business is doing the preliminaries or those things to be done before registering the business. These steps include:
- Write your Business Plan. A business plan is like a roadmap that guides a company to achieve its goal. It contains the objectives of the company, the procedures and materials needed, the business strategies, and the evaluation procedures for measuring the objectives you’ve set up.
- Register your Business Name. If you’re a single proprietor, you need to go to the Department of Trade and Industry to do the registration. However, if you’re a partnership business or corporation, the government agency for you is the Securities and Exchange Commission.
- Build your own office. After you’ve registered your business, transactions will take place. You must have a location for the exchange of products and services. This must be accessible to people.
- Formulate your own Vision, Mission, Goals, and Objectives. It’s essential for a company to have a common cause for everybody. This will be your common values while you work in your company.
- Build a startup team. You need your first set of people to understand well what your company wants to achieve. Since the business is just about to start, you need fresh ideas from this startup team to make your business prosper.
Phase 2: Team Development
It’s not unusual for a company to have its yearly Team Building. They do this simply because they want to develop camaraderie among members. After all, all of us want a team that cares and works for one another. We want a winning Team to be exact.
But a winning team just doesn’t happen overnight. We need to introduce a common culture for everyone in the company. We have to select the particular values we want our company to possess like being on time when going to work, always respectful to everyone, using talents for the common good, etc.
Once we already have our Corporate Values, we have to exercise and show it in the workplace. Business leaders take a big part in this as they become the role models for showing these Corporate Values to their employees. They’re also the ones going to monitor if employees follow these values.
Phase 3: Team Management
Managing a team is not an easy task. You have a group of employees you look after. You’re always thinking about how to take care of them and the company at the same time.
To become an effective manager, you must possess excellent managerial qualities. These include being a professional, good a mentor, and fair to every decision you make.
Phase 4: Team Process
While your business is still ongoing, it’s like a plant that needs water and sunlight to grow. These are the elements that nurture them. Your Startup Team, however, needs different elements to nurture. These elements are Communication and Collaboration.
Communication is a two-way process of exchanging messages between two or more people. Good communication builds on trust and openness of the two parties involved in the communication. Company and employee problems are solved because of this.
Collaboration, on the other hand, is the working together of people in a team. The company becomes successful because of the team effort. Each one contributes to the development of the team.
If the steps on building a startup team in the Philippines is difficult for you, we at the 3E Accounting would like to make it easy. Contact Us for the best Philippine business setup services.